
Personal Grooming Tips for Business Women

Dressing for success includes more than just choosing the right outfit. To complete your professional look you must also consider accessories and personal grooming.

You should always dress to impress clients, investors, and customers, because a winning sales pitch is not enough to seal the deal. A woman's professional appearance needs to support her professional accomplishments. 

If your business attire is distracting because it is too sexy, drab, or colorful, your business contacts may focus on how you look, not on your business skills.

Simple, But Important Grooming Tips for Business Women

  • Perfumes, Scents, and Odors in the Workplace: Do not let the first impression you make about yourself be your personal scent preferences!
    Avoid wearing perfume and heavily-scented products in all business settings. You might like them, but they have no place in a business environment. Scents can trigger asthma, overpower a room, and are often more offensive than pleasing to others.
    Never smell like smoke (if you smoke in a car, your clothing will always pick up the odor).
  • How to Present Professional Looking Fingernails and Hands: Women often use their hands to talk with so they become a focal point. It is important to have hands and fingernails looking professional -- not like you are heading out for a wild night on the town.
    Nails should be clean, and trimmed or sculpted. Avoid wearing unusual or shocking nail colors. Nail art and nail jewels are not acceptable for business meetings.
  • Hairstyling Tips for Business Women: Style should be neat and conservative, and preferably off the face. With few exceptions, hair color should not be shocking or unusual (leave blue hair for Halloween). Hair sprays and gels that have a strong scent or odor should be avoided.
  • Business Makeup Advice: Keep it simple and appropriate for daytime. Wearing no makeup at all is almost as bad as wearing too much makeup.
  • Appropriate Jewelry for Business Women: Jewelry should not be noisy (no metal bangle bracelets), too large, or costume jewelry. Keep earrings small, simple, and above the earlobe.
    It is better to wear no jewelry at all, than too wear too much jewelry. But all business women should at least wear a nice, conservative wrist watch.
Demonstrating that you care about your personal appearance communicates to the person you are meeting with that they are important to you. Paying attention to the details of your appearance sends a message to others that you will also pay close attention to business details, and the needs of your customers and clients.


Cheap Lace Wigs = Horrible Hairlines!

Ladies, don't get caught out there!

If you want your unit to look right you need to be careful where your purchase from and be prepared to spend a little money.  Now I  don not mean that you have to spend a mortgage payment, but remember "you get what you pay for" and cheap wigs look "cheap"!

Your Supplier and Stylist should be professional so that they can properly match up your unit with your needs.  The key here is to achieve a "natural look".  This cannot be done with a ton of hair in the hairline and a hairline that looks like a horseshoe.

The bottom line is that you have to use your common sense.  Your supplier/stylist should be able to answer all of your questions and they should require a consultation so that you can be properly measured for a excellent fit.  A wig that is too big or small can result in hair loss in addition to looking a "hot mess".

Finally, letting your friends or a non professional (check their work) apply and style your hair is DANGEROUS.  Trusting in a person who has not been trained is like going to a Fry Cook and asking him/her for a root canal; BAD IDEA.

Remember, healthy hair starts with you; so it is up to you to use your judgment!

For information on Fabulous lace wigs and styling visit www.tracklessonline.com or call 917 282-1977.



Beauty Foods Fruits and Veggies To Make You Beautiful

With so many choices out there to brighten your skin, fight wrinkles, and get you glowing -- you can easily get lost in the beauty jungle. Here's an idea -- try opting for some natural ways to get firmer skin, fill in those lines and get a youthful flush. It's all in what you eat! Here are some foods to get you started!
  • Nuts: Snacking on a handful of almonds will give your skin some of the goods fats it needs to remain clear and luminous. Nuts in general are high in vitamin B complex, which help with not only skin cell restoration but also hair growth and dry skin. It gives your skin a more youthful appearance and will in turn help fight the early signs of aging (fine lines, wrinkles). So, for your afternoon snack, try a handful of unsalted, natural almonds -- just don't go overboard because it's easy to over indulge!
  • Avocado: This rich fatty food is high in all the fats your body needs, so it's OK to indulge. You put it on your face in mask form which does wonders for your skin, so why not try actually eating it and see the benefits. Eaten in moderation (don't eat one a day, or you will be packing on the pounds, too!) the mono-unsaturated fats you ingest will give clear, soft and smooth skin.
  • Fruits: We are always told to eat our fruits and vegetables, but fruits and their high vitamin C content can actually do wonders for your skin's appearance. Besides fighting off colds, vitamin C prevents pigmentation clumping (which leads to age spots) and strengthens capillaries so they don't break or bruise easily (this helps skin because you won't see tiny red lines on your face, especially around your nose and eyes). You can also get loads of vitamin C from dark green veggies like broccoli and spinach.
  • Asparagus: The dark green stalks are loaded with a natural source of vitamin E -- an essential for healthy and youthful skin. Vitamin E builds muscle and tissue, therefore keeping skin firm and helping to prevent wrinkles. Vitamin E also help restore skin cells, so if you have a damaged area (a scratch, sore, or even a scar) eating foods with high vitamin E content may help reduce or heal the problem area faster. So dish up some of this summer veggie because it will help you with summer beauty!
  • Salmon and tuna: These are the two powerhouse fish. They are loaded with those amazing Omega-3 fatty acids that do wonders for the body and they are also high in vitamin D. Vitamin D is great for skin because it helps keeps it fresh and promote an overall healthy appearance. While the sun's rays provide an ample amount of vitamin D, these days it's not safe to be outside soaking up the vitamin D rays without a strong sunscreen. So, instead try eating salmon or tuna a couple of days of the week to get enough.

By incorporating more healthy foods into your diet, you not only improve your health, but also improve the look and feel of your skin and give you a healthy blush. So instead of trying to read all the chemicals on the labels, try eating healthy first! Remember that before you take any supplement you should consult your doctor.

Read more at Suite101: Beauty Foods: Fruits and Veggies To Make You Beautiful http://www.suite101.com/content/beauty-foods-a23756#ixzz18BTP7dji


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